Game Changers

Game Changer Article 2024 – Highlighting the people, brands, and innovations driving growth across private label
TrueChoicePack (TCP) has been named as 2024 Store Brands Game Changers. As demand for retail private label products continues to expand, the need to enhance product development efforts along with promoting to consumers the features and benefits of these growing collections of new items is vital for success.
The 2024 Store Brands Game Changers showcases the people, innovations, and new store brands that have each played a significant role in enhancing the products on shelves while also engaging with shoppers to continue boosting the perception of private brands.
From developing new products to new ways of doing business and leading the industry down new paths all with the goal of meeting consumers’ needs, innovation continues to be paramount.

This year’s Store Brands Game Changers feature six individuals who have made notable contributions to the industry, along with nine innovations that highlight the uniqueness store brand products offer shoppers and serve to raise the bar across the industry.

Press Release